Saturday, April 5, 2014

Do-Over Dinner (Year FIVE!: Volume 1; April, 2014)

"If I had it all to do over again, I would do most all things differently. However, how would I know that, if I had not had the opportunity to do them the first time." - Janice Markowitz

Do-Over Dinner~ remaking recipes from our own blog!~ was quite fun- seeing whether we felt confined to copy the recipe, or created a new spin on it! Dina hosted April's Club {for her first time~ yay!}, which was our FIFTH Anniversary! :) Our chefs were: Hilary, Jen G., Dina, Jen B., Julie, and I. Our Throw Back Thursday... ahem.. I mean Wednesday... was delicious!

Do-Over Dinner Menu:

Sausage and Artichoke Quiche ~ High Tea, Year 3: Volume 2 (Hilary ~ to change it up, Hilary used fresh, duck sausage!) 

Rosemary Polenta ~ Italian, Year 1: Volume 1! (Julie ~ to change it up, Julie did the frying step that that we didn't have the first time!) 

Croissant and Chocolate Bread Pudding ~ Tres Francais ~ Very French, Year 1: Volume 9 (Me ~ to change it up, I used 1/2 chocolate chips + 1/2 butterscotch chips) 

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