Thursday, May 8, 2014

Casserole (Year Five: Volume 2; May, 2014)

"When you ate her casserole, you didn’t talk or flip through a National Geographic. Your eyes and ears stayed inside your mouth. Your whole world kept inside your mouth... A side effect of eating slow was you naturally, genuinely tasted, and the food tasted better. Could be other ladies were better cooks, but you’d never notice.” - Chuck Palahniuk, Rant

Our Casserole dinner was pleasantly delicious! Liz hosted May's Club, and our chefs were: Jen G., me, Anne, Jen B., Liz, and Julie... and Charlize and Cody (not pictured) joined, too! The dishes complimented each other beautifully, and we enjoyed our feast.

Casserole Menu:
Buffalo Chicken Casserole (Liz)*
Potato Puff (Julie)
Blackberry Cobbler a la mode (Anne)

We enjoyed our dinner with wine and our dessert with {Liz's famous} coffee!

*Waiting for recipe

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