Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mardi Gras (Year Four: Volume 12; March, 2014)

"2+2 = 4... unless at least one of the 2's is 2.6 or higher... then 2+2 could = 5, or even 6, but never 7." - My Genius Brother Micah

March's meal was pretty phat! ;) Meredith hosted our dinner, for her first time. Our chefs were: Jen G., Dina, Julie, Meredith, Lexi, Jen B., Lisa, and I... and Charlize and Laura joined! It was quite the pre-lent extravaganza.

Mardi Gras Menu:
Spicy Meatballs (Liz)*
Mr. B's BBQ Shrimp (Meredith)
Cheesy Grits (Meredith)
Mardi Gras Salad (Beckie) 
Beignets (Julie)*

We enjoyed our meal with Hurricanes and our desserts with King Cake... which Meredith had shipped in from New Orleans! For those who may wonder... I got the baby... though what that means I don't remember. ;)

*Waiting for recipe

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