Saturday, February 22, 2014

Presidential Favorites (Year Four: Volume 11; February, 2014)

"All great change in America begins at the dinner table." - Ronald Reagan

February's Presidential Favorites meal was fit for a king... um... I mean a President! Jen B. hosted our dinner - with a beautifully patriotic table. Our chefs were: Lisa, Jen G., Dina, Jen B., Laura, Liz (with Charlize's help!), and I... and Laura joined! It was a feast for politician, historians, and gourmands alike.

Presidential Favorites Menu:
Thomas Jefferson's Macaroni and Cheese (me)
The White House Must Celebrate a Lot Champagne Cake (Lisa)
President Clinton's "I Didn't Inhale" Brownies with vanilla ice cream (Liz)*

We enjoyed our dinner with wine and our dessert with ice cream.

*Waiting for recipe

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