Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sumptuous Salads (Year Four: Volume 5; August, 2013)

I have heard it said that salads are for good girls... if that is true, our club is filled with the very best of ladies! Anne hosted our August dinner. Our chefs were: Anne, Dina (joined us this month- yay!), Jen B., Jen G., Julie, Lisa, Liza, and Yours Truly. Lettuce celebrate how sumptuous our salads were!

Total tragedy, but it seems like I lost all of our picture from this month. :'( If I am able to recover them, I will post them ASAP!

Sumptuous Salads Menu:
Quinoa Salad (Jen G.)
Caprese and Croutons Salad* (Julie... she also brought a Frigid Favorites Flashback ;)
Snickers Caramel Apple Salad (Lisa... she also brought these Cookies!)

We enjoyed our meal with wine and various juices.

*Waiting for recipe

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