Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jewish Feast (Year Four: Volume 9; December, 2013)

Oh we ate a rich meal, daidle deedle daidle daidle daidle deedle daidle dum! ;) Liz hosted our December Club- and it was so festive... complete with a dreidel, chocolate coins for the dreidel game, and even a menorah we all lit together before our meal!

Our chefs were: Moi, Julie, Jen B., Meredith, and Liz (with Charlize!). Matzel tov to all our chefs for another festive feast!

We also had our Annual Kitchen Gadget Gift Exchange- always a fun time!!

Jewish Feast Menu:
Bourekas (Meredith)

We enjoyed our dinner with wine and our dessert with coffee!

*Waiting for recipe

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