Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Bachelorette Ball (Year Six: Volume 2; May, 2015)

"She began to curl her hair and long for balls." ~Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

Our Bachelorette Ball was delectaball! Jen hosted May's dinner; our chefs were me, Jen G., Julie, Jen B., Abby and Karen, and Meredith (the Bachelorette of honor!); and Charlene, Lisa (not pictured), and Beckie (not pictured- but to introduce us to Cole!) came, too. The meal was very well-rounded! ;)

Bachelorette Ball Menu:

We enjoyed our appetizers with a cheese plate and champagne with blueberries, our dinner with wine, and our dessert with coffee.

*Waiting for recipe

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